Personal Excellence: Raising the Bar
What does Personal Excellence mean to you? Does your life exhibit it? How does one obtain it? Today let’s explore the following aspects of this important virtue: Definition of Personal Excellence: being the best version of you that you possibly can by pursuing continuous self-improvement. Let’s break that down. The best version of you: Self-awareness […] Read More
Building Good Habits to Gain Control of Your Life
Do you feel in control of your life? Are you confident that your life is proceeding just as you would like? If not, it’s time to examine why and get back on track, my friend. Today we will help you get back on the right path by laying out a roadmap for you: Accept full […] Read More
Routines that Work: A lesson from The Compound Effect
One of the best things a person can do for themselves is to learn from others’ wisdom and experience; and reading The Compound Effect is like learning from hundreds of successful people all at once. How? Because the author, Darren Hardy, has studied the behavior and habits of hundreds of successful people over decades, and […] Read More
What are core values and why are they so value-able?
There is a lot of talk these days about Core Values, but what exactly are they? Let’s do three things today: Core Values refers to the root beliefs that guide a person’s or organization’s behavior, decisions, and goals. Examples include integrity, fairness, family, excellence, and faith. Your core values are like your DNA; they don’t […] Read More
Knowing your “WHY” is like igniting a rocket engine inside your finances
“If you know and live within your “why”, it is easier to say “no” to things that don’t fit and to live within your budget.” -Trent D. Schrock First, what is a WHY? And why is it so important? Everyone has a “WHY”, a central belief, a main motivation, a raison d’etre. Our “Why” acts […] Read More